
December 15, 2011

Stencil: Tiffany II

I've had this stencil done for awhile now but haven't had time to take a picture of it. This is a 26? or 27 layer stencil of Tiffany [SNSD] on a 18x24 canvas. Two versions because I was playing with the colors. These are also for sale at $75 ea in the stencil shop. Background and nail color can be customized on request.

November 1, 2011

One Stroke

Artist Chan Hwee Chong can recreate classic masterpieces without lifting his pen off the paper. I'm still hella tripping over this. Amzing.

September 27, 2011

Paintbrush-less Painting

Amy Shackleton creates huge works of art using just paint and good ol' gravity. Check it out.

June 11, 2011

ROA - White Walls

The art of life, death, and decay.

May 20, 2011


Not that unrelated to stencilling; I thought this vid was pretty sweet. Love the simplistic way it was shot.